Fearless Fridays: Elevate Your Public Speaking Game With Street Comedy!

Unlock the power of Fearless Fridays and street comedy to transform your public speaking game. Learn how fearless speakers spread laughter to strangers.

Dec 01, 2023

3 Deep Breathing Exercises For Public  Speaking

Breathing is perhaps the least talked about aspect of public speaking, but it is the most important. Here are 3 of my best exercises.

Jan 10, 2023

Describe Yourself In Three Words Best Answer

It's mind blowing, but people actually Google "how to describe themselves in three words." Here is the easy answer.

Apr 13, 2022

How To Find Role Models When You Need Them

I was online with Peter Fry (mindset goalie coach), and he told me how he makes his clients put their face on a professional goalie so they can see themselves already in the NHL.

Jun 21, 2022